The End Is Nigh

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1. Razcahl: “Now that the year is coming to an end” “One can’t avoid looking back on the past year”
2. Razchal: “All the plagues that ravaged the lands of the living” “and of the dead”
Angie (outside frame): “Ahem”
3. Razcahl: “But we also should find a moment to appreciate the friendships and heartfelt -”
Angie (outside frame): “Ahem, Razcahl? We -”
Razcahl: “Don’t interrupt me, I’m doing my monologue!”
4. Angie: “Yeah, all good things” “But if we don’t start running now” “not only the year will come to an end” “but so will we!”
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The End Is Nigh

Fun Fact: the Tsar BombaLink to an external page in a new window was the most powerful nuclear weapon ever created and tested. This firecracker is it’s successor…