A Murder

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1. Razcahl: "Oh no, a murder of VELCROWS!"
Angie: "A group of WHAT?"
2. Razcahl: "They attack us like in The Birds from ALFRED HITCHCOCK!"
Angie: "I haven't seen that movie, but don't be so pretentious, YOU haven't seen it EITHER!"
Razcahl: "Okay, but those..."
3. Caption: “Velcrow (Corvus haerescens)”
“Fig. 1a: ventral view”
“Fig 1b: detail of a feather; hooks of velcro on the underside”
Razcahl (narrator): "...those velcrows. They stick to your hair, your clothes, they stick way too long."
4. Razcahl: “Like too loud afternoon tea guests that stick around till supper”
"Hi, how are YOU doin'?"
"Do you have any biscuits?"
"Did you hear about Harriet's sister?"
“I’d rather even say gezellig”
"There there"
“Don’t call me a stick figure!”
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A Murder

For the few Dutchies that don’t know the word velcro: it’s klittenband.

This comic is the prequel to Velcrows.